
“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6

“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch


"Come, and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD woud not have listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, Who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" Psalm 66:16-20

Monday, January 22, 2018

Another Free Monday !

And I enjoyed spending it in my sewing room.

I've had these leftover pieces hanging on my wall catching my eye each time I pass the sewing room doorway.  I have little real need for a quilt this size, and I can hear the ghost of my dear departed  husband saying, "what good is a quilt that is that small?"  I love the man, but that question did get on my nerves.
Measures approximately 35" by 43".

What GOOD it is.......is getting me into the sewing room for a day's worth of mindless, peaceful sewing, cutting and pressing without any worry over WHAT FOR.   I needed just that.

And it's pretty, don't you think?  I get a kick out of hanging something different on my living room quilt rack every couple of months, but many of them, even though small, are big enough to atleast be a baby or lap quilt, so I didn't put hanging sleeves on them.  This means that I have to pin them over the hanging rod and that's a nuisance.

So I've decided that when I am in need of a quick 'quilting fix', I can just whip up something specifically for hanging there !   Sounds fun and opens up the possibility for all kinds of things that I wouldn't take the time to make if having to fit a bed.

Maybe I'll even hand-quilt this one, just to have lap-work.

I hope you're enjoying some 'stay in and stay happily occupied' time !


  1. So good to see you! For the most part, we have been frozen and snowbound here in western PA. It's warming up, but they say it won't last so I've been staying in, cleaning out closets and drawers and running into my sewing room to piece a few seams. I'm getting cabin fever! Take care and God bless, Jan

  2. I love your little cross quilt and that header with the awesome word of God...it gave me goosebumps to read. I wish I could corral my energy mentally to create something. Not that I never do....but I get side tracked easily what with fatigue and all the getting out and going and tv too. There I've admitted it....I'm a slowpoke! Sending you a hug, Maggie

  3. I love mini quilts and this one is so cute! Like you, sometimes I make just one quilt block, just because it's fun and I need the brain to rest from all the worries.


Thanks for stopping by !