
“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6

“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch


"Come, and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD woud not have listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, Who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" Psalm 66:16-20

Friday, June 1, 2018

Memorial quilt top progress

The center is all pieced together, measuring approximately 61 inches square.

I have enough shirting left to add length.  I'll probably add 6 x 15 inch pieces of each shirt to top and bottom to finish up a rectangular top.

The star section is made from a tiny grey and black plaid that I found in our local fabric store.  That and Walmart were my only local choices.  I felt that I had settled, but it turned out to be just the right choice to go with all the different colors of plaid shirts.

In other news, after being 'retired' for 3 weeks, rather than feeling rested up and energized, I have practically no energy or incentive to do much of anything.  I don't know what's going on, and it makes me feel worthless,; so I'm happy to atleast be making progress on my year-long desire to make this memorial quilt for my daughter.   Hopefully, it will be done by Father's Day, or atleast sometime this summer.


  1. All you have been through its normal to be feeling the way you are. You will feel like your old self soon Im sure of it and your energy and zest for life will return.

  2. Quilt looks great!!! The tiny plaid you added is perfect!
    (might be time to see your doctor or just get an adjustment on your meds...hope you feel better soon!)

  3. Do you share your patterns? I'm working on memory quilts and this would work great for the son. very pretty and nice job.


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