I even tried to add borders to bring it up to a bed size, but alas, that wasn't my vision.
Unfortunately, the finished product leaves me longing to make one without so much contrast. I love the very lights, lights and light-mediums together, and would love to see one made BY ME with just THAT. Maybe I'll try that in grays.
Notes of interest (only to myself, probably). (FACTS FROM MY DAILY LIFE FOR THE JOURNAL)
1. I just had my first eye exam since the Spring of 2009. And my distance vision has actually improved just a bit. Our little town's optometrist retired years ago, and I have just put off getting my eyes checked anywhere else. We now have a facility to do the exams, so I got off of my rear and went. Glad I did.........he said that my eye health looked excellent. I'll probably use my prescription to get myself a pair of prescription "readers" for now, and make do with the glasses I'm currently using for driving. That's about the only time I use them, and they are sufficient. On the other hand, the over-the-counter readers that I use for hand-quilting are leaving me frustrated. Now I know that that is because the two eyes are measuring differently in what they see.
2. I'm having this year's screening mammogram tomorrow, LORD willing. Last year was my first one in a long time, due to the fact that I finally had insurance. As for every time before, they sent me for a second mammogram. That's just the make-up of my breasts........there's never been an actual problem found. I'm just hoping to get 3 in a row on record for comparison so that I won't have to keep having double tests every year.
3. I ate a double cheeseburger today WHOLE....the WHOLE THING together, AS A SANDWICH . Actually it was a McDouble from you-know-where. The reason I note this is that since my surgery in 2013, which damaged my swallow and killed a nerve in my tongue, I haven't been able to manage burgers in buns.....there just has not been enough cooperation in my mouth to process. I'd buy a burger and just eat the meat, or the meat and the top or bottom of the bun . But today was a banner day, and I praise God for the progress !