And that means that, as of 7:30 p.m., I've been married 33 years !
(By the way, if you've read my entire profile, you'll notice that I love Dudley Moore movies........looking at this old photo of hubby, I think I see where that infatuation began !)
What a night that was.........a rare Tennessee ice storm hit the night before, which meant that several people who had planned to come to the wedding just weren't able to get there. Unfortunately, this included hubby's parents !
After the ceremony, everyone left in a hurry, as it was so cold..........that left us to get into my old Nova and make it to our waiting rented trailer ....... and my car wouldn't start !
There we were, in the parking lot of the little country church, all alone on the coldest night of the year ! Blessedly, the car started after about 3 minutes of panic (and no cell-phones back then, not that I have one NOW !)
But the wedding did take place and, as the old saying goes,.........the rest is history.......ALOT OF HISTORY !
Still, I'm happy to be among that ever decreasing number of marriages that lasted. Hubby says that he doesn't remember getting married, so I thought I'd better post a photo and let him know that I have witnesses !
Enjoy YOUR New Year's eve, as we approach a whole new decade and many changes in the New Year, 2010. Our pastor pronounced, "2010, the year we bring the family in!" That's what I want !
So be safe, and be thankful, for this years miracles and memories ! God Bless you ALL !