My gold and burgundy Asiatic Lillies are blooming at the end of the trailer,
this is an odd Lily that I bought at Wally World a few years ago. It's coloration reminds me of sidewalk chalk. I thought I had dug up all of this to move last Fall, but some of it remained behind and came up again this Spring. That's a good thing, because I never got around to replanting the bulbs I dug, and they didn't make it !
Looking at Betsy's blog today, I was inspired to set my round pavers into the ground at the back steps.
I've had them sitting there on top of the grass for probably 2 years now, and she made me realize that it would be easier to mow across them than around them ! I did not think about trying to level them, and I found afterwards that water wanted to pool around them, so I've tried to channel it away.
I've added moss in between the stones; I hope I've improved that area. Thanks for the motivation, Betsy.

This section of flower garden is at the edge of my yard, against the woodline. I bought composted manure and top soil to add to this shade garden this year. I tilled in it roughly a few days ago, just trying to loosen the soil around the things that are already planted there.
Today, I sprinkled the manure all over, and then the topsoil. I planted some Petunias that I found on clearance at WalMart, even though they say that they prefer full sun. I hope they do well there. It gets maybe 4 hours of direct sunlight per day this time of year. I've been playing around with that area for 4 years and never quite made it into a GOOD flower garden. I added a Coleus near the back where it is shadier, and a Hydrangea, lately.
Hubby provided another 12 Miracle Grow spikes for shrubs and trees, so now all of the Rose of Sharons, Crepe Myrtles and other things are fed. I treated the Hydrangea with the Bayer product that I bought for Black Spot disease, as it had started again. The rose bush was treated on May 10th.
Yesterday I got all of Jen's Contrary Wife quilt top cut out after having to replace the background fabric. And, today I received another project from Joide, with 2 more quilt tops to piece. These two are couch-size, so I am looking forward to doing them, but first comes the queen top for Jen.