
“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6

“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch


"Come, and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD woud not have listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, Who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" Psalm 66:16-20

Friday, November 24, 2017

I SURVIVED working Walmart's Black Thursday

I want to go on record here in my blog that I worked my first Black Thursday sale at Walmart and came out totally unscathed.....glory to GOD !

I was told on Wednesday to dress warm for Thursday, because I would be working the parking lot, directing cars around to the side door where they could pick up their big items.

When I came in Thursday afternoon,  I was met by another employee, telling me that I was assigned to the associates working movies/games  INSIDE.
    Well, I ALMOST went and changed out of my fleece tights and undershirt that I was wearing, but I am so glad that I decided to wait.   The games and movies were set up in front of the long meat coolers, and it was COLD over there.   Thankfully, only my little tushy felt the cold when I would prop myself on the edge of a cooler.  The standing on my feet for hour after hour was the only rough part of the evening........mostly I felt wasted.  I had to be the bad guy that told people they were at the exit of the movie area, and that they had to go around to the other end if they wanted to shop games and movies.

I was happy when the time came for me to start stocking shelves again.

On the Thanksgiving side of things, I wound up having two different meals provided by friends and family.  I got to talk to my daughter and my brother and brother-in-law.  It was a blessed day, all in all.

I apologize to those who follow this blog for quilty goodness......I'm afraid there's not much of that going on right now.   Hopefully, more in the future !

I hope you're stuffed, blessed, and happy this weekend.  Enjoy your family time and God's goodness, and be sure to take time to be thankful.


  1. So glad you survived!! We are truly thankful for the many blessings that God has rained on us! Blessings to you my friend!

  2. Standing still is the worst, isn't it? As long as I can keep moving, I'll be okay...but I seem to grow roots after five or so minutes and can't get going afterwards...

    Oh...and I wanted to say....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sixty never looked so good!

    Hugs and prayers from PA,

  3. I can only imagine how tiring a day like black Friday must have been. Glad you are still smiling!


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