Not much imagination put into this quilting, just following the seamlines of the blocks. But still I think that it will be a nice little quiltie when finished. I don't know yet what I will quilt in the soccer-ball border, since it will hardly show up, but the baby shower is this coming Saturday, so decisions need to be made. I had hoped to make a bib or two or something to go with the quilt, but time seems to run through my hands lately !
Lottie is pretty much getting back to her normal play. I found a little carpet covered plaything for her at a yard sale on Saturday and she is very much enjoying it.
I only included this photo to show that she's rarely still enough to capture a good shot when she's playing at her new 'castle'. She's a joy in my daily life and silly though it may seem to some, I thank God for her.
In gardening news, I also scored a couple of big pots at a yard sale on Saturday. I have been buying up shrubs as they go on clearance at Walmart, but am waiting to put them into the ground.
They seem to do better if you wait until Fall or Spring. I may just go ahead and put two Rhododendrons together into this biggest pot (they're not actually potted up here, just sitting in their original plastic pots inside of this bigger one). They say that Rhodos like an acid-soil mix, and I don't think that I have that in my yard. I must figure out how to make one up for this pot.
The other large pot is holding my new Spirea for now. I'll probably put it directly into the ground once Fall comes.
My Crape Myrtle have started blooming now. The dwarf ones are a cherry red,
and the bigger one is called 'Catawba' and is a pinky/purple.
“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6
“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch
"Come, and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD woud not have listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, Who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" Psalm 66:16-20
Monday, July 30, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Lottie's feeling better
Thank you for the sweet messages for Lottie and me yesterday.
It was so hard to see her wobbling around trying to walk,
while still under the effects of the anesthesia.
I think that they send them home way too early these days.
Last night I was near tears as she was almost comatose,
breathing fast,
but if you moved her head it just limply moved around with your hand.
But she roused before bedtime
and ate a little bit of food.
Then this morning, she had already been down off of the bed
and back up before I even awoke.
Some night nurse I am !
As you can see here,
she's getting back to normal now.
Praise God !
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Lottie's at the vet
My new little baby girl is getting spayed today, and I can't get her out of my mind.

A complete hysterectomy, is the way the receptionist put it........
"they're cleaning everything outta there", she says.
Yuck, I never thought of it so graphically........and she's only 4 months old ~!~
So, I'm trying to get a little quilting done by hand,
after mowing
and mopping
and generally trying to occupy my mind as well as my body.
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Don't you just love the way the rows puff up around the hand-quilting? This is a polyester batting so it's 'poofier'. |
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Finally back to a little sewing.......
........I put the final borders on the little sports-themed quiltie for Hawkins. He's due in September, and his mama really wanted to name him River, since they have a camp on the Buffalo River and spend a lot of time at her parents' camp there too. But the last name is Moss, and she was afraid that it would make for a lot of teasing as he grew up if he was named "River Moss". I still like it and will probably always think of him that way.
Anyway, here is the top. It's awfully busy looking, or I would have placed the blocks together without sashing. But I had to provide some LITTLE resting place for the eyes.......or atleast I thought I was. It should finish about 38 inches square.
Anyway, here is the top. It's awfully busy looking, or I would have placed the blocks together without sashing. But I had to provide some LITTLE resting place for the eyes.......or atleast I thought I was. It should finish about 38 inches square.
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single block--sports fabric from Jodie Ann |
Here are my mockups from EQ5.
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I like this block alot and would love to do a scrap quilt with it. |

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Outlaw partial reunion !
It was so great to have Wanda and Terri stop overnight at my home on their WAY home. It was like we just saw each other yesterday, only with more hugs and grins and GOODIES for ME thrown in ! And this after just getting to see Mary Ellen and her daughter a month ago, right here, too !
You're next, Jodie Ann ! Sadly, our Joy Del passed on a few years ago and is looking down from above, so it'll be a while, hopefully for obvious reasons, before we see her again. You know, she's probably reaching for her outlaw holster, since she already knows what I just found out !........that in the 3+ years I've been gone, our old group has only gotten together once, for the 2009 Christmas party ! I'm ready to whip out my rotary cutter myself and have at it !
Oh, like I told Terri and Wanda, those years together were a very special season in all of our lives, and couldn't go on forever, I guess. But it's seems such a shame that it is no more.
However, on the flip side, my experiences are proof that the friendships forged in that season DO last a lifetime, and that's the good stuff, right there. I mean, SERIOUSLY, I love you guys !
One regret.......I'm so ditsy ..........Terri said, "so, Walmart, is that the only place that you have that sells fabric here?" And Dolly says (in my defense, I DID stay up a couple of hours later than I'm used to doing), "no, besides Walmart, we have a little fabric store downtown." La, la, la, la, lah............uh, we have NO FABRIC in our Walmart, and why didn't I see that she wanted to GO to whatever fabric store we DO have? Terri, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't drink TWO cups of coffee, but you came up with that Amish-made blueberry struesel cake, and I just lost all sense ! Ha, when I make me a little Amish quiltie with the fabric you bought me, I'll always have a memory of my ditz moment (as if it were a single occurrence !)
Anyway, for now, I treasure ALL of these moments. Be blessed, dearest friends !
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The sweet little room.........exploded !
Nah, not really, but you can either have it NEAT, or you can get some inspiration and work going, am I right?
I figured out a design that I wanted to use for a baby quilt that is needed for an anticipated September arrival, so I dragged out the appropriate fabrics (thanks once again to Jodie Ann's leftovers), and got to work yesterday. Well, it didn't take long for the room to look like a bomb had been dropped on it. But, inspiration reigns !
On the other side of the coin, I am just jumping with excitement and anticipation of a couple of my dearest Oklahoma galpals arriving this week to stay overnight on their long drive home. My husband asked yesterday, in front of his 59 year-old nephew, "honey, are you going to straighten up this mess before your friends arrive?" REALLY?
LORD, I know that you set the solitary in families, and I am blessed to have been married to this man for over 35 years now, but........REALLY? Where do they get these questions? I think maybe it is because they were formed from the dust of the earth, and we were formed from good substantial BONE, albeit theirs. I don't know, but we surely are different.
Anyway, never fear, Wanda and are welcomed with open arms, a picked up home, and hopefully, LORD willing, a big pot of that Chicken and Dumplings that we used to enjoy during our quiltathons !
Then, next week, we'll think about this quilt.......
I figured out a design that I wanted to use for a baby quilt that is needed for an anticipated September arrival, so I dragged out the appropriate fabrics (thanks once again to Jodie Ann's leftovers), and got to work yesterday. Well, it didn't take long for the room to look like a bomb had been dropped on it. But, inspiration reigns !
On the other side of the coin, I am just jumping with excitement and anticipation of a couple of my dearest Oklahoma galpals arriving this week to stay overnight on their long drive home. My husband asked yesterday, in front of his 59 year-old nephew, "honey, are you going to straighten up this mess before your friends arrive?" REALLY?
LORD, I know that you set the solitary in families, and I am blessed to have been married to this man for over 35 years now, but........REALLY? Where do they get these questions? I think maybe it is because they were formed from the dust of the earth, and we were formed from good substantial BONE, albeit theirs. I don't know, but we surely are different.
Anyway, never fear, Wanda and are welcomed with open arms, a picked up home, and hopefully, LORD willing, a big pot of that Chicken and Dumplings that we used to enjoy during our quiltathons !
Then, next week, we'll think about this quilt.......
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Blessed rain !
The rain has come, and I am so thankful !
My dryer has been out for a couple of weeks, but I haven't been concerned, as it's been so dry, and I hang out most of my clothes regularly anyway. I only dry jeans and towels to avoid the horrible stiffness that they get from drying on the clothesline.
Well, yesterday I hung out a load of clothes and it started raining ! I rushed out to get them, but not quickly enough, so I wrung out the most of the water, and left them to dry overnight. When they were even wetter this morning, I ran them through a rinse cycle and returned them to the line. Before they were fully guessed it, right? started to rain again. Well, this time I took down the nearly-dry clothes and put them in a basket to wait. I had called the dryer repairman earlier in the day, thinking that I would replace the dryer, but quickly deciding that it would be more prudent to repair it instead.
He arrived about an hour after taking the clothes in, and replaced the thermal fuse. Now she's running like a a top again, the clothes are dry, folded and put away, and mama's all happy ! I enjoyed an entire afternoon of slow, soaking rain, and praised the LORD for his bounty and blessings.
My dryer has been out for a couple of weeks, but I haven't been concerned, as it's been so dry, and I hang out most of my clothes regularly anyway. I only dry jeans and towels to avoid the horrible stiffness that they get from drying on the clothesline.
Well, yesterday I hung out a load of clothes and it started raining ! I rushed out to get them, but not quickly enough, so I wrung out the most of the water, and left them to dry overnight. When they were even wetter this morning, I ran them through a rinse cycle and returned them to the line. Before they were fully guessed it, right? started to rain again. Well, this time I took down the nearly-dry clothes and put them in a basket to wait. I had called the dryer repairman earlier in the day, thinking that I would replace the dryer, but quickly deciding that it would be more prudent to repair it instead.
He arrived about an hour after taking the clothes in, and replaced the thermal fuse. Now she's running like a a top again, the clothes are dry, folded and put away, and mama's all happy ! I enjoyed an entire afternoon of slow, soaking rain, and praised the LORD for his bounty and blessings.
Friday, July 6, 2012
The little room
I got up and started refilling the little bedroom this morning.
There aren't alot of options as to how to arrange it.
I've tried 3 now, and came back to this original one for now.
I really like this green.
I wish that the room had baseboards, but it's not something that I want to tackle right now.
If you look at the pillow in this second shot, you can see through the pillowcase.
It's a new pillow, and I left the labeled plastic cover on it to remind me which one it was.
I didn't realize that you'd be able to read it through the case.......ha !
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I'm moving as slowly as my computer.......
..........but, I'm feeling pretty contented.
Yesterday, bored with the too quiet, and really hot Fourth of July, I decided to drive out to Walmart and see what kind of flowers had been clearanced due to the drought/heat. I was disappointed to find slim pickings, so I moseyed in to check out the paint department. I like to look through the "oops" cans, to see what paint is there that someone rejected when it didn't mix up to the color that they were trying for. I've had it in the back of my mind, ......slowing inching it's way forward, daily........that I wanted to repaint the front bedroom, and possibly the bathroom.
Blessedly, I found a rejected gallon that was a really nice shade of green.....just what I've had in mind. At half-price, I decided to pick it up. Well, let me tell you, these iron pills I'm on must be making the difference in my energy level, because exactly 24 hours later, I had a freshly painted bedroom in a beautiful shade of medium/light green......(and knees to match !)
So, I'm tired but happy. That room is SO SMALL, but I think that it'll be cozier now with the green paint behind the antique white headboard of the little four-poster twin bed. I'm waiting until tomorrow to reload the room, so pictures will have to wait also.
If you like the flowers in my header today, that is a HARDY Hibiscus that my neighbor, Rose, gave to me when it got broken in half during a storm last August. It didn't bloom again last year, but this photo shows what I found on it yesterday morning,......... FOUR blooms, all around the top of the plant at once. The Hibiscus that you buy at Walmart and most garden centers are only hardy down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, then they freeze ! But this variety stays in the ground over the winter and comes back bigger and better each late Spring. I just love this deep pink one. She's given me two others, but this is their first year, and I don't know what color they are, as they haven't yet bloomed.
Yesterday, bored with the too quiet, and really hot Fourth of July, I decided to drive out to Walmart and see what kind of flowers had been clearanced due to the drought/heat. I was disappointed to find slim pickings, so I moseyed in to check out the paint department. I like to look through the "oops" cans, to see what paint is there that someone rejected when it didn't mix up to the color that they were trying for. I've had it in the back of my mind, ......slowing inching it's way forward, daily........that I wanted to repaint the front bedroom, and possibly the bathroom.
Blessedly, I found a rejected gallon that was a really nice shade of green.....just what I've had in mind. At half-price, I decided to pick it up. Well, let me tell you, these iron pills I'm on must be making the difference in my energy level, because exactly 24 hours later, I had a freshly painted bedroom in a beautiful shade of medium/light green......(and knees to match !)
So, I'm tired but happy. That room is SO SMALL, but I think that it'll be cozier now with the green paint behind the antique white headboard of the little four-poster twin bed. I'm waiting until tomorrow to reload the room, so pictures will have to wait also.
If you like the flowers in my header today, that is a HARDY Hibiscus that my neighbor, Rose, gave to me when it got broken in half during a storm last August. It didn't bloom again last year, but this photo shows what I found on it yesterday morning,......... FOUR blooms, all around the top of the plant at once. The Hibiscus that you buy at Walmart and most garden centers are only hardy down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, then they freeze ! But this variety stays in the ground over the winter and comes back bigger and better each late Spring. I just love this deep pink one. She's given me two others, but this is their first year, and I don't know what color they are, as they haven't yet bloomed.
Monday, July 2, 2012
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