“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6
“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The kids are home !
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Stuck in the home......
Friday, January 29, 2010
Yep, we got it !
But we're snug as two bugs here in our little nest, as long as the power stays on !
Thank you for the many prayers on hers and her little family's behalves.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
EDITED: to add today's quilting progress.......It's a comin' this a'way !

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Tuesday's quilting

I spoke to him this morning, and they were all coming off of a bout with food-poisoning, after eating at their favorite Chinese restaurant one last time before moving back from Germany to live in Oklahoma again. They fly home on Thursday, God willing, and hopefully not stalled by the icy weather that is predicted to hit mid-America that day.

There's a possibility that I might go with these American flag type of samples that I got from friends in Oklahoma a few years ago. I've really been saving them for a quilt for Kelley, though.

Around 2 p.m., I settled down to quilt for awhile, and family promptly stopped by, so I quilted under a light that is situated over hubby's bed. I didn't get as much done as yesterday, but enjoyed good company and conversation all the while.
6 year-old, Zoe, asked me if I could come to the airport, too, when Grammy picks them up on Thursday evening. I said, "baby girl, you know that Nana lives a whole day's trip away from Grammy !" She said, "oh, yeh,..................................................................... then could you be there the next morning when I wake up?"
Tore my heart out to have to say no ! I said, "PawPaw's not well and can't travel that far right now, so I'll have to wait for you to come to me soon."
Hmmmmmmmm........we'll have to see which is harder--having them so far away, as in Germany, or having them so close and not being able to get there anyway ! Atleast we'll be through with the time-difference and international long-distance, so that I can call whenever I want !
Because you are all so dear to me, I would love to request that you lift an extra prayer tonight for safe passage home for my dear little family of five....Kelley, Tim, Zoe, T.J., and Seth ! Thank you so much !
Monday, January 25, 2010
Boring accountability
(Keep in mind that this trailer has no overhead lighting, so my best quilting light comes from sitting in front of this big window. That means that I don't get to wait until evening, when I'd like to curl up and do my hand-quilting, after getting to play in the sewing room all afternoon. No, I have to get my morning's housework done, and then settle down in front of the window, quilting for all it's worth until the light fades beyond usability.)
I think I'll put them side-by-side for comparison.............
Morning--fresh area hooped and ready........
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Happy Birthday........
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Do I have a problem?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I'm still here
In fact, they were so off that I decided not to accept the nomination that Dee gave me for the 'Lemonade stand' award........thanks anyway, sweetheart, but my face has been dried up like it hit pure alum the last couple of days !
I'm seeing daylight again, but haven't ventured into the sewing room for a long enough period of time to let the fun begin. That's the therapy I need !
I did make myself pull out the 20 year quilt.......MONSTER........so that when I see it, I'll feel guilt-ridden into working on it. Now, seriously, is that going to bring the grin back or what............NOT........unless I were to accidentally FINISH it in the next 3 days, which AIN'T gonna happen.
But, there's Church tonight, and that always perks me up again........there's nothing like the fellowship of God's children.
Loving you all and wishing you a blessed night !
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A reward is in order !

Friday, January 15, 2010
Two sides to every story......

All bound, washed and dried !
Can you see how flat her binding lies? I took some tips from a quilting forum, since not one of you dear friends had any advice to offer when I asked ! I actually measured and cut the binding to the measurement of the center of the quilt, and then pinned it on before sewing, so that it didn't stretch, thereby drawing up the edge of the quilt.

Oops.............did I forget to tell you that I made it totally reversible?

I did ! Oh, my bad ! Yes, yes.........this is in homage to the wonderful quilters from these three blogs..... http://www.filminthefridge.com/ and http://www.redpepperquilts.com/
and fromthehandbasket.blogspot.com/2009/11/weekend-progress-r... (and bits and pieces from most all of you whose blogs I visit.......you know who you are, and if I need to mention you, give me a nudge.)
You all inspire me DAILY and I had to start machine-quilting, just so that I could try some of these wonderful pieced quilts and backs, like you make. Thanks, girls !

Yep, loving the brights one week........the next week, I'm a purple girl. Actually, the purple bigger blocks were pieced for the front, but I didn't like them there.......and the back just came together ! (yeh, dolly, after about 7 or 8 hours of hair-pulling, rearranging, cutting, piecing, ripping...........)

I love this........all ready for snuggling under........the next best thing to a hug from Nana !

And now, let's give THIS little girly a big hand ! A beautiful, useful quilt, totally made on her little surface. She's been with me for 31 years and has NEVER let me down. Of course, she's been around alot longer than that, and probably could tell tales of gorgeous quilts extraoidinaire............but she's very modest. She sits quietly in a corner, unnoticed, with a sweet little Mona Lisa smile playing around her bobbin case. We get together weekly, and like me, she tends to 'run on' a little bit, as my best gal, JoAnn, remembers, but she's left her mark on me and my quilts.......in the best possible way.
She deserves a name, but, alas, she's never told me what it is, and I would feel like I was imposing MY personality on her if I tried to give her one now. Maybe someday she'll share it with me during a quiet moment, but for now, we understand each other, and names aren't necessary.
Thank heavens........after all, I've changed mine so many times, she'd be thoroughly confused !
Wait a doggone minute ! What's this??????????

I don't wanna talk about it..........I'm fine.......really! I'M FINE.......mean old quilting fairies !
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Yucky day behind us !
Hubby's all day evaluation is behind us, and we made the drive safely there and back.
I decided to buy a white skein of good ol' RedHeart acrylic, and start another scarf like the red one.........that, along with a copy of the Living New Testament, and my personal journal, kept me occupied and entertained through the day.
I only had two near misses on the highway, thanks to the angels accompanying us. Once, on the interstate on the way up there, I started to change over to the right lane beside me, and didn't see a car coming up in my blindspot. Close call.
Then, on the way home, on a two-way-traffic highway, a pick-up truck decided to pull out in front of me to enter the highway, when I was really coming up on him too close for him to have done that. Blessedly, my brakes worked well, and I was able to avoid hitting him.
Needless, to say, we were glad to get home and relax. Don't get me wrong,......it was not a white-knuckle, stress-filled day........the LORD almighty gave us strength, and confidence and even ease-of-mind to get the job done.
Now, I need some advice. I know I've been quilting for over 30 years, but my quilts are drawing up a little on the edges after binding. I'm using a walking foot, and using straight, single bindings. Should I switch back to bias-bindings? Single or double? I don't measure the binding and cut it to a specific length......never have. I don't remember having this problem many years ago, but I did use a lot of bias, double bindings.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I've been quilting today !

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Going nowhere.......

At first, the snow was so dry that I
watched our neighbor blow it off of his
But within 30 minutes, his progress had been obliterated !
Hubby and I just walked out to the road and tried to scrape the snow aside with our shoes........unh-uh !
It's slick underneath !
I sure am enjoying the big ol' pot o' chili, though !
Think I'll go and see if I can't get the basting frame out, now that I've willed my cut finger to my cousin, Janet ! (sorry, girl !)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Thank God for........GOD !
There were only two 3 year-old boys in the class tonight, but I had such fun with them.....oh, their imaginations are just limitless !
Speaking of loving fruit, my dear cousin, Janet, you know I mean you !........my cousin sent me new (old) photographs of my mom and grandmother.......such a treasure to me. I added a couple of the photos to my sidebar, and made copies of all of them today to share with my brothers that live here.
She's even graciously offered to share with me some knitting needles that my grandmother used............I can't even convey what THAT means to me ! I can remember her sitting in our backyard when she would come from Canada for a visit, knitting or crocheting little things while she watched us play around her. Surely my love of the handmade originated with her quiet patience.
You know.....today has been a most wonderful day.......they're warning us of an impending snowstorm, so I stocked up on groceries, bought the hubster a little pizza for lunch, had a nice visit with a couple of neices, and made a nice, big pot of chili and some cornbread muffins. After the fun night with the 3 yr. olds, I am truly feeling God's favor, right here, right now..........and I'm sending prayers up, right this minute for anyone reading this post........his peace will be on and in you, right now and through this night.
All my love........
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Red Set
Friday, January 1, 2010
First post of 2010
I've found that as much as I love working with good quality wool, the scarves and hats really make my head and neck itch ! So I went downtown and bought myself a super skein of good ol' Red Heart, and started myself a Fisherman's Rib scarf based on the demo seen here. Aren't those the fattest ribbed stitches you've ever seen........it feels so good ! She didn't give any instructions, so I'm just winging the beginning and edges.