
“I have given skill to all the skillful, so that they may make all that I have commanded you. “ Exodus 31:6

“O Thou who art the all pervading glory of the world, we bless Thee for the power of beauty to gladden our hearts.
We praise Thee that even the least of us may feel a thrill of the creative joy when we give form and substance to our thoughts and, beholding our handiwork, find it good and fair. “.
Walter Rauschenbusch


"Come, and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what He has done for me.
I cried out to Him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue.
If I had cherished sin in my heart, the LORD woud not have listened and heard my voice in prayer.
Praise be to God, Who has not rejected my prayer or withheld His love from me!" Psalm 66:16-20

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blogger's Quilt Festival -- Fall 2012

Hey everyone, it's time for the newest edition of the greatest little virtual quilt show you've ever seen !

 I like it when this tim
e comes around twice a year.......

so much eye candy to enjoy for us quilting addicts !  
And I always manage to find a couple of new blogs to follow, and, sometimes, I even get a couple of new followers.

My favorite quilt that I have made this year, and, thusly, my entry for the festival, would have to be my

Blushing Bloomers !  Entry #329
Measuring 72 x 90 inches, this quilt fits my twin-sized bed.

Some viewers have been surprised when they realize, from this photo, just how big the flowers are in this design.
This quilt is not an original design of mine........I found directions for it on Moda's Bake Shop, the quilt having been designed by Natalia Bonner.  It was a really easy quilt to make, even though I didn't use jellyrolls for the fabric requirements.  I pieced and machine-quilted this one, as I do most of my quilts, on my old Singer model 15 sewing machine, Ernestine.
Ernestine, cartoonized courtesy of BeFunky.com

These fabrics were mostly ones that my dear friend Jo Ann has sent to me over the last 3 years. 

Fabrics sent by JoAnn

Almost anytime she corresponds with me by snailmail, she throws in a few fatquarters that she has picked up on various shopping trips.  After 3 years of this, I found that they were starting to coordinate, and I decided that making a quilt for myself out of them would let me be reminded of JoAnn's generosity on a daily basis.

A few years ago, my husband suffered a massive stroke, and he found that, although he recovered quite a bit, he could no longer lie flat in a bed.  So we got a hospital bed for him, and I downsized to a twin-sized bed of my own.  Trouble was, all the quilts I had made over a lifetime were either too small or too large for a twin.  So I made him a quilt, and now I've made this newest quilt for my own bed. 

Finding a beautiful, still Summer day, I basted the quilt in my backyard.

The finished measurements of Blushing Bloomers are approximately 72 inches of width by 90 inches of length, as I added two rows to the original plan of the quilt, and I added small side borders as well.  

If you look closely, you'll see that I used the remainders of my fatquarters to make scrappy borders AND binding.
The flowers are hand-appliqued, and free-motion quilted.
Coordinating Orange Peel wall quilt

I even had enough fabric to make this little coordinating Orange Peel quilt that measures 27 inches square.  It is hand-quilted, but machine-appliqued.

You can see the zigzag stitches.

The backing is a happy polka-dot, and the batting is a light-weight polyester, something that I haven't used in a while, but that makes me very happy with the finished quilt.  It is both practically weightless AND warm. 

I hope you've enjoyed seeing this quilt.........I had kept a picture of the original on my computer for a couple of years, hoping to make it someday.   I think that I probably ran across the original pattern during a past Blogger's Quilt Festival.  I'm glad that I actually, finally, got around to making one of the many quilts that bring me inspiration while browsing the web.  I hope you find one that you just have to make your own ... maybe even this one.

Blogger's Quilt Festival Stats
*Quilt Measurements -- 72 inches wide by 90 inches long

*Special Techniques used -- Hand-appliqued and free-motion-quilted flowers 

 *Quilted by -- myself on my Singer Model 15-90 cabinet model machine

  1. *Best categories --Entry #329
  1.  Favorite Bed Quilt,   
  2.  Favorite Scrap Quilt,  
  3.  Favorite Home-quilted Quilt
Entry No. #329

Many thanks to Amy and all the other sponsors of this festival.  Such a huge endeavor, and so much fun, I know that many, many people appreciate you all !


  1. Thanks very much for sharing! This is a very cute pattern!

  2. This quilt just makes me smile!! I love it!

  3. I love your quilts!!! And to end up with that adorable 'orange peel' quilt is the icing on the cake. You are so talented. Wish I could turn out things like that. I'd feel on top of the world....=) Wishing you a blessed Sunday..

  4. This is really gorgeous! And I love the coordinating wall-hanging...

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! I ave wanted to make that for quite some time. Thanks for inspiring us!

  6. What a pretty quilt! I remember seeing this pattern on Moda's site and I love the fabrics you used - such a happy quilt! Your quilting is lovely too!

  7. What a sweet quilt, and story to go with it! What a generous friend you have, and a lovely way to remember her generosity. I love the way you quilted the flowers! Thank you for sharing!

  8. fun and colorful quilt! I love the supersized flowers - very cute!

  9. Dolly! I couldn't agree more with all the comments you've had so far! This is one of my favorite quilts you've made! The Orange Peel quilt is just a fabulous compliment! Great piecing, quilting, backing, binding and quilting!

  10. Gorgeous colours and stunning desing:)))

  11. Beautiful, I have always wanted to try that pattern! You did an amazing job on the quilting as well!

  12. This is a great quilt - I really like the contrast between the rectangles and round flowers - lovely

  13. I love both of your quilts. - howdy from Nashville

  14. Super Cute quilt! I really really love it! The colors are bright and perfect with each other! Thanks for sharing it with all of us :)

  15. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your quilt! :) But I may be a little partial! :)

  16. Oh my goodness ..I love colour so your quilt is completely up my alley. Those flowers really add a touch of something special too.


Thanks for stopping by !